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মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
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Our achievements
Our achievements
Comparative picture of power sector development till 2009-December 2017:
Acquisition of Crown subject before 2009 till 2018
1 Subscriber (Family / Organization) Number 14563 30758 16093 New Connections provided.
2 Customer electricity demand is 6.5 MW: 16 MW: Double in 9 years.
3 System Loss (%) 16.52% 6.64% 9% system loss in 9 years.
Number of distribution transformers at 4 customer ends 106 162 24 new transformers have been installed.
5 The capacity of the distribution transformer at the customer end has been increased from 15200 KVA to 2596 KVA to 108 KVA.
6 Monthly electricity consumption per capita 18 units 204 units 9 years approximately 1.148 times per capita electricity consumption is a measure of growth.
7 The annual import of units has almost doubled from 3.43 crore units to 6.94 crore units in 9 years.
8 Revenue collection (Taka) 11.01 crore 16.40 crore people's electricity demand and financial capacity has increased.
Construction of distribution line 11 / 0.4 KV 16 km As a result of the extension of 27.92 km of new power lines, all the people of Chuadanga municipal area have been brought under the power supply.

আসন্ন সেচ মৌসুমে নিরবিচ্ছিন্ন বিদ্যুৎ সরবরাহের লক্ষ্যে সম্মানিত বিদ্যুৎ গ্রাহকগণের প্রতি আবেদন