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At a glance
At a glance , WZPDCL, Chuadanga.

 Geographical area: Chuadanga municipal area.

 Number of 33/11 KV substations: 01 (one)
Position power comments
Chuadanga substation 2 5 MVA, 1 10 MVA
The capacity of Ojopadiko substation in Chuadanga municipal area is 20 MVA and the current load demand is 16 MW.

Comparative picture of power sector development till 2009-December 2017:
Acquisition of Crown subject before 2009 till 2018
1 Subscriber (Family / Organization) Number 14563 30758 16093 New Connections provided.
2 Customer electricity demand is 6.5 MW: 16 MW: Double in 9 years.
3 System Loss (%) 16.52% 6.64% 9% system loss in 9 years.
Number of distribution transformers at 
4 customer ends 106 162 24 new transformers have been installed.
5 The capacity of the distribution transformer at the customer end has been increased from 15200 KVA to 2596 KVA to 108 KVA.
6 Monthly electricity consumption per capita is 18 units 204 units. About 1.148 times per capita electricity consumption in 9 years.
7 The annual import of units has almost doubled from 3.43 crore units to 6.94 crore units in 9 years.
8 Revenue collection (Taka) 11.01 crore 16.40 crore people's electricity demand and financial capacity has increased.
9 Construction of 9 distribution lines 11 / 0.4 KV 16 km 26.92 km New power lines have been added and all the people of Chuadanga municipal area have been brought under power supply.

Possible development plan for next 5 years.
Position power comments
Construction of 33/11 KV substation (Kulchara) 2 10 / 13.33 MVA Ojopadiko's potential development plan for the next 5 years in Chuadanga municipal area.
Existing 33/11 KV Substation Rehabilitation 2 5 MVA, 1 10 MVA
Installation of pre-paid meters 30,000
Distribution line (new) 04 km
Distribution line (rehabilitation) 30 km
50 11 / .4 kV distribution transformers

আসন্ন সেচ মৌসুমে নিরবিচ্ছিন্ন বিদ্যুৎ সরবরাহের লক্ষ্যে সম্মানিত বিদ্যুৎ গ্রাহকগণের প্রতি আবেদন